Friday 15 April 2022

Washy, Splosh and Bald!

 Hello Woofers!

It's Daisy here again.

I'm not a Happy Puppy!

You know, I went out this morning to enjoy a walk in the sunshine but when I got home again Old Two Legs got out the Doggy Towels, Hot Air Blower and a large assortment of scissors and combs and things to put over my eyes so I don't get down off the table!

That was it, I got brushed first to get the knots out of my hair, then I got combed and brushed again, then to crown it all, I got put in the shower and scrubbed with a brush to wash in all the Doggy Shampoo, mix it up and then wash it out!

I was soaked from nose to the tip of my tail!

It was horrid!

I wasn’t not a Happy Puppy and I decided I didn't like OTL today!

At lunchtime we went out down to the sea front but after getting out of the car, I headed off to the football field and did one of my lunchtime poos, then after OTL had collected it up and deposited it in the poo bin, I decided I didn't want to go for a walk, so I lay down on the grass and waited until OTL came over to see why I wasn't moving!

As soon as he got near, I got up and headed off to the car!

Actually, it was just too hot to go running around!

Back home I got more hair cut from my butt and my tummy and so after all that I had a cuddle with OTL and watched a DVD.

I told him I didn't forgive him and he shouldn't read into having a cuddle means I forgive him!

I'm going to show off for a while, just to make him feel bad!

See you tomorrow.




  1. Yo Daisy. Well I feel very sorry for you and I think OTL is a meanie to do that to you on account of it being Easter. He's lucky to have you Daisy cos I wouldn't have cuddled him, I'd have given him the cold butt. I went for an early walk this morning but I didn't see any of my mates, I reckon they were having a nice lay in. I did get to go on a different walk this morning though, just for a change I decided to turn right instead of left. Now this afternoon I heard something going through the bushes wot back onto the gardens round here, it was a random woofer, well I did my best woofoffawayfrommygardenbeforeIchewyouintolittlepieces woof. I've not seen much of my boy today he seems to be mooching about when I'm either protecting my manor or I'm asleep with the exhaustion of all the hard work I'm doing. I'm off for an early night tonight on account of my mum going to work in the morning at silly o clock, I reckon it will be my boys turn to take over and do the guarding. Did I tell you my vet sent an email thanking my mum for taking me to see them the other day, mind it did have an estimate for having my toothiepegs polished soon. Take care, stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. But I bet you look beautiful and you said it was too hot, so now you’ll feel cooler!!!

    Happy Easter xxx
