Friday 3 June 2022

Bye Bye Martin!

 Hello Woofers!

It's Daisy back again!

Last night I was looking forward to jumping onto Martins bed and sticking my nose in his ear but he locked the bedroom door!

You know I even tried scratching the door to be let in but he stayed awake whilst I stayed outside the bedroom!

In the end I had to put up with Old Two Legs who was snoring his tail off!

We said good bye to Martin who had to go home and I got to go into my bed again!

In a couple of weeks, we should be seeing him and Auntie Lisa on our way up to Scotland!

  Bye Bye Martin, can I have my bed back?

  Has he gone now?

 It has been a warm sunny day all day today, I didn't get to go for a swim but I did collapse into a rock pool, just to keep my tummy cool!

Being it is a long weekend holiday there were loads of sailing ships out on the river.

 Look at that lot all playing at being sailors!

 OTL chased me out of the rock pool so to make up for it I had a super long roll in the sand on the beach. OTL was up on the sea wall, so there was no chance he could come and chase me off!

You know I could stay here just rolling around and getting a sun tan!

OTL got all excited when we pulled into the car park. There was a couple of motorcycles parked up and one was an old 'Triton'. OTL explained that it was a Norton Featherbed frame witha Triumph 650cc engine with a pre-unit construction gear box.
He said it remined him of the times when he was a puppy and rode around on motorcycles and getting in trouble!

 Dream on OTL, those days are long gone now!

Nowadays OTL has to put up with four wheels!
See you all tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well it seems to me that Martin did himself out of a treat not letting you in to snuggle with him, these boys just don't know wot they're missing. You can come and snuggle with my anytime you like. It sounds like you all had a good time with Martin anyways, I hear the bolly was flowing and I'm sure there was a sniff of plawn clackers. Now my mum reckons she used to go on the back of them bikes, a triumph Bonneville, she reckons she used to have fun hanging on to the back, I think I prefer the sound of 4 wheels myself. I can have a lay in tomorrow, my mum has got the day off so we've only got to get up at silly o clock on Sunday. I'm looking forward to having my boy home this weekend as well, we might manage to squeeze in a wrestle or 5. I've been listening to the glue flingers gassing on zoom today and I notice that they'll be doing it all again tomorrow ........... perhaps me and my boy might have a wrestle while they gas. Smashing pictures today, looks like it's a very sunny day there. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
