Tuesday 26 July 2022

It's the vet today!

Hi Woofers.

Daisy Dog here again!

It's been a sort of muggy day today; the weather can't make up its mind what it wants to do today. First thing this morning there was heavy cloud and at one time I expected it to start raining but there was a couple of drops and then it dried up!

Will it or Won't it rain?

We saw some of the lads crossing the football field but they didn't catch us up, well, except for Ollie who came tearing across the field and down onto the sea front just to get a stroke and a tickle from Old Two Legs!

It's a long way to run just for a tickle!

The sea was all moody and even when the tide came in at lunchtime it wasn't any better. OTL stopped me from going in for a swim 'cos we had an appointment with the vet after lunch.

Moody or wot?

We managed to get down the vet and arrive just a couple of minutes after the appointment time. Well, I got squeezed, poked and then instead of sticking a thermometer up my butt the vet pulled on the rubber gloves and proceeded to make my eyes water by investigating the inside of my butt!

She was lucky that I didn't turn around and bite her!

I've still got to keep on with the antibiotics until it's all gone but other than that and a couple of worming tablets, I'm all cleared!

To celebrate we had another short walk along the sea wall and OTL took a picture of the wild sweet pea plants that started off with just a couple of plants but now have spread all over the place!

They are taking over the sea front!

I've been keeping a watch but haven't seen any froggies in our pond for ages. I will have to sit and watch the pond and at the same time get a suntan!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy Dog.

1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy, well I'm glad you got on ok at the vets today. Vets should never put their fingers in yer butt, it should be banned, their fingers are way too big for a woofers butt. Smashing pictures today. We've had quite a lazy day, we went for a walk and met Brenda and Milly so we went back to theirs for a coffee and some woofer treats. My mum popped out over the town and came back quite quickly. I've fallen out with my boy, he got very bossy last night. My boy went down to get a snack and I followed him down to make sure he wasn't giving anything to peepot, well there are somethings wot you shouldn't feed after midnight cos they multiply, so anyways, when my boy got his snack, we both came out and shut the kitchen door and my boy went upstairs, I on the other paw stayed downstairs, my boy called me and he saw me heading towards the kitchen, he shouted down not to open the kitchen door, then he shouted down again, DO NOT OPEN THAT DOOR! So I opened the door and turned round and run up the stairs straight by him, I was laughing my tail off cos he had to go downstairs and shut the door and his snack was getting cold. I hid behind my mum so he couldn't tell me off when he got back up stairs. Me and my mum and peepot had a nice siesta this afternoon. I'm going to put my paws up now and wait for my boy to get home from work and start complaining about me to my mum. Take care and stay safe and cool all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, peepot and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
