Wednesday 21 September 2022

He is off tomorrow.

Hello Woofers!

Daisy here.

I got Old Two Legs to wake up a full hour earlier than normal!

Then he fell asleep again and didn’t wake up for a whole hour and a half! Needless to say, we were late in getting down to the sea front!

The sun was up and climbing high above the horizon but with a bit of 'Fiddly Diddly' of the lens and hiding behind the Two Trees he managed to get the normal gang of stuff in!

One and a half trees, bench and poo bin!

Then it was a quick run up to the top of the hill and ‘Click Click’ to get the sun before it disappears into the cloud.

Up she goes!

This morning it was full of mist over the marshes and even on the sea front there was dew on the spiders’ webs all along the path.

Well, the webs are here but the spiders are still in bed!

Back home it was time to have a snooze under the desk and a nibble on my teeth cleaning chew!

Tomorrow OTL is off with cousin Alun visiting the National Memorial Arboretum OTL has wanted to visit it since seeing it on the TV.

Cousin Alun has been up there as part of his regiments yearly get together. He says it is quite emotional when he gets to the section where he knew the soldiers who names are on the wall.

Now that's all ok but who is going to take me out for a wee? The Missus has promised to take me out but I have to steer her around the trees and bushes 'cos she just isn't up to date with the route.

Mind you, I reckon I could get away with having some 'Sit Down Fun'!

OTL has promised to leave out his jacket so I can snuggle up to if I get a little lonely!

It's the OTL sniff that keeps me in a good mood!

OTL won't be back until Sunday so the blog will have to wait until he gets back 'cos I can never remember the pass word to open the laptop. I've tried writing it down but I have trouble reading my writing!

The lunch time walk was good, loads of sunshine and no wind but what was better was that the tide was in, so, guess who went in for a paddle!

Shall I sit down or just paddle?

I managed a good paddle and then follow it up by a roll in the sand on the beach!

You can't beat a sunbathe on a bench, it helps dry off your tum tum!

OTL sat on the seat for a while and I rolled over to keep the warm side of my tum towards the sun!

So, back home to a nibble and a snooze under the desk while OTL finishes off the paperwork before leaving tomorrow.

Bye for now.




  1. Yo Daisy. Well I got up early, good job I did cos there was a postie man with a huge parcel waiting on the doorstep, seems my boy has bought my mum a new chair for her to sit on when she's on the puter for her birthday. Well me and my mum put it together and she says it's quite comfie. I went for a walk but came home after getting half way round on account of there was no mates to chat with. I sent my mum off to the vets to pick up my flea and worming stuff. We had a nice snuggle and a bit of a siesta after lunch. Smashing pictures today, best ones are still of you though. I'll miss you while OTL is away but I know Mrs TM will be looking after you well, you'll be able to snuggle up on the bed with a bit more space to stretch out. Hope OTL enjoys his trip. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Well I hope OTL has better weather than we're having today. Wet wet and WET!
    Don't play TM up too much while OTL is away xxx
