Saturday 1 October 2022

F1 is back!

 Hi Woofers,

Daisy here again!

I was glad to see the notice on the TV this morning that the F1 Qualifying was on today. It seems like it was a month ago since the Monza race!

The Missus was going to record the qualifying 'cos she has been asked to do a couple of instructional videos on Yoo Tube. Now the times of these instructional videos happens to clash with the TV program, so Old Two Legs, who loves to see his TV 'Live', had to clamp his headphones over his ears while TM was yacking on about glue slapping and sprinkles!

We were up early today and managed to get a couple of shots of the sunrise, not bad even though I say so myself!

On this one OTL used the zoom lens to make it look bigger than it really is.

It is only when you zoom right out that you see what the sun looks like, normally!

OTL did a little fiddly diddly on the controls, so, you can't see the Redshanks diging around in the mud for worms and other edible stuff!

I was offered a nibble by a TL we know but I didn't take it cos you know they belong to Jasper!

Not wishing to upset Jasper I went off sniffing the sniffs like wot I normally do.

I thought we were supposed to be getting some rain but it held off, except in Singapore where the F1 Racing was. Last night it came down but we expect some more overnight.

That's it for today, a nice relaxing Saturday and maybe a DVD tonight, Star Wars?

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..........




  1. Yo Daisy, smashing pictures, love the ones of you. Now if Jasper wasn't on the end of that treat, I would have taken it, I mean he probably gets loads anyway. Me and my mum have been watching Mrs TM's instructional videos on flinging the glue and we really enjoyed them. We think Mrs TM is the best. We were up early this morning and got to get up early again tomorrow so we'll be having and early night. We heard the rain hammering down last night but we didn't get any rain today. Enjoy your video tonight and the racing. Take care and stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Nice picture of you and the sun rise Daisy. Weren’t you a good girl for refusing to eat Jasper’s treats. Hope you enjoyed Star Wars - I watched Episode 7 last night!

    Hope you all enjoy F1 later today xxx
