Thursday 13 October 2022

Wet starts and late mornings!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy Dog here!

It's been a bit of a mix-up today. It all started sometime during the night when the heavens decided to drop a million gallons of rain down on the roof of our house. It woke The Missus up which in turn woke me up 'cos she was bouncing all over the bed but for some reason didn't wake Old Two Legs!

However, OTL didn't get up until seven forty-five when he would normally be climbing into the car to go for our walk down on the sea front.

By the time we got down there most of the lads had been for a wee and a poo and were heading across the football field and on their way home!

It didn't help that OTL thought it was going to rain, so he left the camera in the car, wrapped up in one of TM's bobble hats!

Back home we settled for a nibble and a snooze until lunchtime when the rain had stopped and the clouds hung onto the rain clouds!

Looking over towards Southend on Sea it made a good comparison between blue sky and black houses and trees!

That lot looks like it will drop the rain down on Essex!

 That bank of cloud looks like it has an 'edge' to it and matched up with the weatherman’s map of weather fronts!

Looking the other way up the Medway, the sky looked most threatening and ready to dump a load more rain into Kent!

I stood for a while looking out to sea but the horizon was hidden behind a bank of cloud.

We decided that Essex was the better bet so we tried walking backwards along the sea wall, that was until OTL nearly fell onto the beach!

Heading back home we could see the power stations belching out steam in the distance. The steam was going straight up and then bending over once it had got up to the clouds. Pity OTL was driving 'cos I reckon that would have made a good picture.

See you all tomorrow.


Daisy Dog!


  1. Yo Daisy, well it's been a funny old day here today. My boy went to work and me and my mum didn't even hear him go we were both fast asleep. It was nice having a good snooze and laying in until 8.30. It was raining when we got up but it soon stopped and the rest of the day has been cloudy but dry. We got a few jobs done and then went off for a walk wot was quite boring really and I decided not to do the whole of my walk on account of I needed a poo so I had to hurry home to get back to my garden. My mum has been cooking up some dinners to put in the freezer, they sniffed quite nice. Then my mum told off a parking ticket man for blocking the driveway, I reckon she should have given him a ticket like wot he does to other people. Smashing pictures, those clouds look very pretty but I prefer that I don't see clouds here on account they might rain on me. Very nice picture of you Daisy. Well I'm off to put my paws up so take care and stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
