Saturday 26 November 2022

Another day like yesterday!

Yo! Woofers!

Daisy here.

Well, the weather is just the same as yesterday, cloudy and the threat of rain, just a threat!

Being Saturday I allowed Old Two Legs an extra hour in bed this morning. I'm not sure that it is a good idea but I have to be kind to the old boy at least once a week!

Down on the sea wall the sun was still hiding behind the clouds, so no sunrise today. However, there was one Wormy Man heading out onto the mud flats carrying his plastic bucket and a shovel!

Here wormy, wormy!

We met up with a couple of bozo woofers I know, both are just potty about chasing balls. One woofer, the sheep dog woofer, would chase after the ball and run around for a little bit, then he would drop it for the other woofer to pick up and present it to the Two Legs to throw again!

 Me Chase! Me Chase! Me Chase!


 Come on, pick it up and throw it again!

 I must admit, after a couple of chases, I get fed up and leave the ball for OTL to pick up, I mean, if he throws it, he can pick it up!

Lunchtime we came across a couple of Two Legs painting numbers along the sea wall, so that means the must be a fishing contest along the sea wall tomorrow.  

You would think they might have learned by now that there are only tiddly fish along the shore!

Sunday tomorrow, another late getting up day!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well I was up at silly oclock to get my mum out of her pit and off to work. I must admit though I don't like getting up that early and would appreciate a lay in. Now tomorrow I have to do it all over again. Brenda and Milly came up for coffee this afternoon and they helped my mum out with her box of cakes, there's still some left. My mum ate the biscuit wot had my name on, she said it was delicious. It's been cold, damp and grey here today so mostly I've stayed in snuggled up with my mum. Nice pictures again today. Enjoy your lay in tomorrow while I'm on guard duty. Take care, stay warm, safe and dry all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
