Wednesday 30 November 2022

Grey and Murky?

Hello Woofers!

Daisy back again.

It's strange just how the lack of Internetty can make you feel all lost and alone. We have The Missus going potty 'cos she can't upload a card making lesson to Yoo Toob or where ever she hides the stuff!

We couldn't order the ton and a half of bird feed in the normal way using TM's Amazon link cos she runs her Internetty stuff via the Bloo Tooth Wireless thingy that has gone pop!

It was lucky that it was Old Two Legs turn to pay for the feed cos he could order it using the Internetty Hard Wired connection.

Sounds all very complicated to me!

We are still waiting for the Internetty Box to arrive but OTL thinks they have sent it via Huston Texas!

This morning the weather man on the radio said it was Grey and Murky in the South East, which is our part of the world, so, OTL didn't even take the camera out. So, we had a gloomy walk around the sea wall.

Lunchtime it was brighter, well a sort of light grey instead of a dark grey but we did see a flash of sun behind a cloud!

It was there and then it was gone!

It was a bit of a disappointment not seeing the sun but you can't win them all!

I decided that due to the lack of sun I could go off hunting for sniffs along the middle path, I didn't find any that were new, a few that were a little mouldy but hell, you can't win them all!

This one sniffs like one of my old ones!

 Looking across the Medway we got a good view of the Sheerness Docks and harbour. OTL said that he supplied some stuff to that building and the building was known as Toad Hall!

Whatever turns you on!

 A good shot of Toad Hall across the Medway

 The leaves are still falling and the colours look quiet spectacular!

 Leaves falling like snowflakes!

 Getting close to the leaves makes me wish OTL had his 105mm Macro lens to pick out details on the leaf!


 Still no sign of the Internetty Box of Bits, I reckon OTL will be on the phone tomorrow asking where the *("$%*!! is the delivery, China?

Let's hope Archie Babes TL is feeling better. OTL said he twisted his ankle going down some steps and it hurt for month and even now it is still weak when he walks over rough ground!

Bye for now.




  1. Yo Daisy. Sorry to hear about the box not arriving still. My mum says the posting men are on strike today and tomorrow, she should know cos she sent a letter yesterday wot was guaranteed for delivery today, at great expense, and it hasn't arrived. Now my mum doesn't blame the posting men on account of we've got one called Eric and he's a very nice chap but the poor chap is still going round in his shorts, so he must need a rise to buy the bottoms of his trousers. My mum blames scrooge at the top of the post office wot gets more dosh than he deserves, so my mum says, scrooge should start sharing out the dosh with the chaps wot actually do the work in the cold and wet. My boy is off work tomorrow so that means we can all have lay ins on account no one will be getting up early and disturbing those wot haven't got to get up early. Smashing picture of you today and the other pictures are very nice, even Toad Hall looks interesting. I went for a walk today but I only saw one of my mates, Boris the bounce and he was indoors looking out his window, all warm and snug. Now don't worry about my mums foot, she's got another one and a walking stick, so she'll be find to get my scoff. I'm off to put my paws up before my boy gets home from work, I've got a plan to ambush him and give him a wrestle. Take care, stay safe, warm and dry all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Come on Daisy, get your paw out I've got some exciting news to tell you xxxxxx
