Thursday 3 November 2022

I got wet!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy here!

Now here is something different, last night we had a look at the weather forecast for the southeast.

It was a yellow warning from the Met Office which means loads of wet stuff will descend on us overnight!

Normally the wet stuff misses us but last night it bucketed down with such ferocity that it even woke Old Two Legs up!

So, first thing this morning I got the rain coat out and with OTL putting his coat on we headed off to the sea wall for a walk.

Well, on the way we had to negotiate massive puddles on the road and when we got to the car park, we found it was flooded also!

Off we went but it didn't last long, as soon as I had done a wee and a poo it was 'Back to the car' and off home, soaking wet!

I spent the morning tucked up in my bed getting as warm as I could under a couple of blankets!

Lunchtime was about the same, rain, wind and the speediest wee I could manage!

Back home I went indoors while OTL pumped up the rear tyre on the car, let’s hope it's not a puncture!

This afternoon OTL has been playing with the paperwork 'cos it's the 'End of the month' and that means getting together bits of paperwork for the accountant to play with!

Let's hope tomorrow will be drier!

Bye for now,



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well it bucketed down here all last night as well, it was really noisy as well. I didn't really want to get out of my bed this morning but my mum said I had to. Well she opened the back door and I stuck my sniffer out and decided, no thank you Mrs. My mum insisted and said no brekkie until I'd been out so off I went doing a speed wee and then back in to the warm. It's been horrible most of the day but it seems to have stopped now so I've got my paws crossed that we get a bit of dry now. Hope you didn't get too wet when you went out. I'm so quick when I need a wee that the rain doesn't have time to land on me. I'm off for a snooze before scoff time. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
