Thursday 10 November 2022

Same as.......

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy here!

Old Two Legs did it again, he got up a whole hour later than he normally gets up. That means the sun was well above the horizon, that means the sky didn't have the desired dramatic effect, still, you can't win them all!

Morning has arrived!

Walking across the car park I noticed that OTL had brought the tennis ball and stored it in his jacket pocket.

I woofed at him and then jumped up and hit him on his leg and woofed him again!

Come on OTL, throw the ball!

It wasn't too long before the sun disappeared behind the clouds and it all took on a rather grey hue!

The fungi looked the same, so there was no reason to repeat the picture he took yesterday. However, the trees were shedding their leaves and it won't be long before the trees will be without any leaves.

Going, Going..........

I wandered through the forest looking for new fungi but no matter how hard I looked, I couldn't find a thing!

It all looks green here, no fungi!

So, it's all rather like yesterday, not very exciting.

Maybe tomorrow it will be better and OTL will be up earlier!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well it's been grey, damp and very cold here today. I went for a later walk on account I was hoping it would warm up a tad and the wind would drop, it didn't, so halfway The round I decided to turn round and go home cos the wind was blowing up my tail. The vet phoned this afternoon with my results, my warts are warts, see now I could have told everyone that but no, they have to go to all the hassle of stabbing me, worrying about me, but then I spose I am worth it. Smashing pictures today Daisy, just love the one of you waiting for OTL to throw the ball. Now wot's with all this getting up early, wot's wrong with having a nice long, lazy lay in, in the warm. You won't catch me in a hurry to get out my pit in these cold dark mornings. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
