Saturday 24 December 2022

A Very Merry Christmas Woofers!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy here!

Christmas Eve here and as Old Two Legs says, 'if you ain't got it by's too late'!

It doesn't look like it will snow, unless you are in the USA where they are getting a little more than they would normally get!

We often get the tail end of the odd hurricane that wafts its way across the Atlantic but in this case, we would be pleased if they kept it all over there!

OTL has managed to injure himself, he was bending over to pick me up to get me into the car when he pulled something in his back. Poor old TL, seems he can't move to stand up or bend over without causing him some pain!

I did offer to run over and get some of Archie Babes pills but we decided it wouldn't be powerful enough. Mind you, I wonder what the injection does for him, OTL that is?

We missed the sunrise 'cos of his back and him getting stuck getting out of the car! 

He did click off a few and this one was about the best.

He had to lean up aganst the railings to get this one to focus without shaking too much!

 I got the first of my Giant Chicken Chews that sent me to sleep after gnawing my way through the chicken covering!


Why does something that tastes so nice end up giving you a tummy ache?

 OTL took us out at lunchtime, The Missus offered to take me out but it would have only been along the old golf club and I'd rather go for a walk along the sea front.

So, I waited for OTL to get better and off we went to the sea wall. There were loads of Two Legs walking along the sea wall plus the fishermen teaching their worms to swim!

We plan for an early night tonight 'cos Santa Paws will be arriving and we can't woof at him, not if he has a present for us!

Mind you, as soon as he has been we will be waking OTL and TM up so we can open all our presents!

So, we hope you all have a Merry Christmas and we will be back on the blog on Boxing Day!



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy, now don't be too sure about them magic pills I got, I feel much better and I tell you, they really give a good nights snooze. OTL is welcome to try them. My mum has cut me down to 1/2 a tablet now to see how I go. Well we're waiting to hear that Brenda is home, she phoned late last night to say she was coming home but so far we've not heard anything else. My mum has been busy cooking up some delicious sniffing chicken for Millie to take home, it's been making my mouth water. Hope OTL feels better very soon and it doesn't spoil his Xmas. Give my love to Mrs TM. Enjoy wot santa paws brings you Daisy, hope he brings you lots. Take care, stay safe and warm and have a lovely day tomorrow. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, Millie and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
