Tuesday 6 December 2022


 Hi Woofers,

Daisy here.

Good news today!

We managed to get down to the sea wall and find a sunrise slowly creeping over the horizon!

It started while we were in the car park and got better as we crept around the bushes!


A good sign there's a sunrise around the corner!

 Once we got around the bushes it came into view, not the best sunrise we have seen but after a week or so without a sunrise it was at least, a welcome sight!


  We could have waited but it was rather cold and windy, so, a quick click or two and off we went looking for shelter from the wind.

The morning was spent doing what I do best, snoozing and at lunchtime Old Two Legs and The Missus left me tucked up and went off to do a bit of shopping.

I don't mind them leaving me behind but I'd rather go with them, especially as they like using the big car!

The big car has a really good heater!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. It's been freezing here all day, I don't know how you can get out of a warm pit and go down in the freezing cold to watch the sun getting out of bed. My mum took me for a walk but even though I had my warm fleece coat on, I decided it was way too chilly to go very far and I headed for home very quickly. Keep yer eyes peeled for the posting man tomorrow and don't bite his butt cos he might be bringing something from santa paws. Me and my mum have been very busy today doing jobs and my boy bought us another pressie, another warm, fleecy, sherpa blanket, I can't tell you just how warm and snuggly they are but my mum has put ours in the airing cupboard on account of she reckons we're both warm enough at the moment with the weighted blanket and the sherpa blanket he's already bought us but if it gets colder, we might just add this new one to the others. Me and my mum had a lovely snuggly siesta this afternoon on the sofa, we snuggled up under our furry throw and my boy reckons he came down and spotted us both sound asleep. Smashing pictures today. I reckon you're best off being left at home so you can snooze in peace rather than go out. I'm off for another snooze under the furry throw so take care, stay safe, warm and dry all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
