Sunday 4 December 2022

The Cat Woman cometh!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy Dog here again!

Things are getting confusing this end of the world. Old Two Legs took the camera with him this morning but as normal when we get out early, it was just too dark to take any photos.

Mind you, OTL asked The Missus for a spare dog whistle she had and this morning when I slowed up for a sniff, OTL couldn't see me because it was too dark, but when he blew the whistle, I decided to come running!

It started many years when my sister Holly and I were charging around a park and the only way to get our attention was to blow the whistle and give us a small bit of sausage.

Bribery and corruption OTL called it.

Nowadays OTL expects obedience without the sausage but the whistle seems to work, for today!

Back to this morning.

The new Internetty Box is all fired up but the password has to be altered on all the computers and other Internetty gear means OTL has been looking for the paper instructions, which are located in a safe place!

You should hear the Alexa thing talking back to OTL when he asks it to do something!

Alexa, play Misty. Can't, no Internetty, Alexa, get Internetty connection, Can't, dunno where it is. Alexa, Bloody well look! Won't, not if you shout at me!

It goes on for about an hour and in the end OTL swears some more and pulls the power plug out, that learns it!

It was while he was trying to sort out Alexa that there was a banging on the door and The Cat Woman was at the front door clutching a mountain of craft stuff and a couple of Chicken Chews!

She knows how to get around me! 

OTL and I retired to the office while TM and TCW spent the day slapping glue and glitter all over the place.

It's not until you see the mess on the carpet that you realize just how mucky they are!

After the lunchtime walk, I headed for the bed while OTL finished off his work then put his paws up on the desk and enjoyed a good snooze!

So, that's it for a Sunday, I'm off to the vet tomorrow for a check-up on a lump that keeps itching, with any luck it will be a king size wart but it's worth getting it checked!

Bye for now.





1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well wot's this about a whistle? Doesn't OTL have a built in whistle? My mum's got a whistle but I turn a deaf ear to it, the only thing wot gets me to come in is the words biscuit, treat or dinner, anything else doesn't compute, a bit like Alexa really. Now my mum has trouble with Alexa, my mum often tells Alexa to go forth and multiply, before she pulls the plug out. Sounds good TCW bringing you loads of treats, she can visit here if she wants. My mum always makes a mess when she's flinging the glue. Glad you're getting your lump checked out, always better to get them checked, I've got loads but my mum always gets them checked out, but then I like going and getting the ladies making a fuss of me. Don't get worried Daisy, vets can give out nice treats you know. Let us know how you get on. Take care, stay safe, warm and dry all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
