Friday 13 January 2023

Busy Busy OTL!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy back with you again, a little later than normal but you can blame Old Two Legs and SG-1 for that!

This morning we went out and there was rain in the air so OTL decided to leave the camera at home so it didn't get wet.

Of course, once we got to the sea wall what did we see?


Now, OTL, being a resourceful sort of Two Legs whipped out his phone and ran off a couple of shots of the sunrise but unfortunately, his poor hand was shaking due to the wind blowing and the rain bouncing on his bald head!

See what I mean? He has never been able to use the phone camera without it shaking!

Being Friday, we didn't expect any work to come in but surprisingly we had an enquiry from overseas and another home here and a further one that means OTL may be importing from Denmark!

We have purchased stuff from Denmark before but it has been imported by a manufacturer down the road a bit, with OTL buying the whole package!

Lunchtime for a change we went right to the end where the 'Dragons Teeth' are still piled up on the beach.

OK, so, all we see is the mud but hey!

It was good fun walking along the sea wall and skipping over the stones and I even planned to go for a paddle!

But in the end, I didn't cos there was no water, just mud!

The wind blowing under my tail didn't help but when we got into the forest it was rather mild. Until that was, we came out the other side of the forest and the wind blew us across the football field!

I can hear the wind but it doesn't get blowy until we get out of the other side of the field!

Tomorrow we are off to see some of our relatives, the ones we normally don't see unless there is a wedding or funeral so that should be fun and who knows, I might be able to snaffle a nibble or two!

Depending on what time we get back will depend on me telling you the story!

bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well I've had a lovely day snuggled up in the warm until I went out for speed wees etc. I don't like this cold weather. Alfie puggle is coming tomorrow evening until Sunday evening, he better be able to move fast cos I'm not hanging about in the garden waiting for him to find a suitable place to cock his leg, I'm out, doing and back in! Now I'm fluent in french on account of my mum still having trouble with the council, however, we won't be having any more bother with them cos my mum has told them exactly where they can put their visitor vouchers, ouch! Smashing pictures today, love them all but specially the ones of you. I reckon though, you must be off your trolley to even consider having a dip while it's this cold. Enjoy your day tomorrow, sounds like there might be a few nibbles to snaffle. Good news about OTL getting more orders, tell him danish bacon is very tasty if the people want to send him a gratuity. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little (bon jour gorden bleu) Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
