Wednesday 11 January 2023

Down Cometh the Rain!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy back again!

I'm not sure how it has been with you today but here in sunny south east England it has been wet, like rain all day!

This morning it wasn't so bad but this afternoon, it has been bucketing down!

Old Two Legs says it's because TM flooded the kitchen yesterday and now the water is getting its own back!

Mind you, we do have a Life Buoy floating around in the garden somewhere, maybe it's learning to swim?

First thing this morning, between the showers, we got our early enough to see the moon and as OTL hasn't been 'Fiddly Diddly' for some time, we let him loose with the moon picture!


 No, we reckon it's rubbish as well!

As it was morning time the sky was a little gloomy but let's face it, its a better than the moon picture!


 It won't be long before we see red sky’s again, promise!

 OTL sneaked up and got a passing shot of me and you know I just hate having my picture taken but this one is just after a miniature Bulldog chased me around to sniff my butt!

Well, I lost it a little and as he got close, I gave him the 'Snarling, ear chewing, scare him pooless woofing' that scared to poo out of him! I may be a little old lady but I can still sort out these rude woofers!


 Next time I'll bite his butt and really sort him out, no one sniffs my butt without permission!

 This afternoon OTL and I have been watching Stargate SG-1 and having a cuddle. I bet TM is whishing

 she hadn't given the SG-1 series to OTL as a Christmas present!

I can't hear the rain now so I will risk a quick 'speed wee' around the garden before the rain starts again.

By for now.




  1. Yo Daisy, well our weather sounds pretty much the same as wot you got down there. I managed to get a walk without the rain dropping on me. It's still very cold here so when I'm not speed weeing in the garden, I've spent most of my time being snuggled up on the sofa. Smashing pictures today, even the moon shot is good. I bet you gave that woofer a good scare, good on you, I don't like woofers wot haven't got any manners either. Hope all stayed dry in the kitchen today. If the DVD's keep OTL happy, I'm sure Mrs TM is pleased that OTL is enjoying them. Take care, stay safe, warm and dry all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Yeah - same weather here too - a bit further down the coast!
    Nice pic's xxx
