Thursday 26 January 2023

Geting Warmer?

Hi Woofers.

Daisy here!

Now then, there was no frost on the car and what is more, it was raining! A quick look at the temperature gauge confirmed it was plus six degrees!

There is always a struggle to find a place to park the car but sometimes we manage to get a space at the entrance to the car park.

One of the good things about the car park was the woofers use it as a weeing place so we can see who has passed by that morning!

 Mm, Jasper and Storm passed this way and Hugo did a wee yesterday!

 We had missed the sunrise but there was a pink glow on top of the grey cloud and the grey clouds seem to cover most of the sky.

 That could have been a good sunrise if the clouds were thinner!

 Lunchtime was the same but of course, grey clouds but no red fluffy bits!



We didn't see any other woofers but that's not unusual, lunchtime I reckon all the woofers are having their lunch!

TM has been recording the videos and it is all going well. I think she is doing six videos on glue slapping and card bending!

With a bit of luck, it should be warmer over the next few days, I might be able to leave my thick coat off!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. More smashing photos today. You look as though you're giving the entrance a thorough sniffing there. I've been having a good sniff round my garden, I've sniffed lots of squirrels and birds, no foxes though. We've still found it a bit chilly today and very damp. My mum has been and ordered a new fridge on account of her getting sore toes kicking the old one. The new fridge should arrive tomorrow so I reckon my mum will be doing some shopping for some treats to fill it up soon. My boy is in my bad books, again, he bought himself a new pc so a chappie arrived this morning with a huge box wot you could fit me, my mum and my boy in, now he started unpacking his box and do you know, he put all his new boxes on MY sofa, there was no place for me to stretch out and snooze, I had to sit on the back of MY sofa and wait until he took all his crud off and out of my way. Glad to hear Mrs TM is getting on well with her videos of glue flinging. Take care, stay warm, safe and dry all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
