Saturday 7 January 2023

Meet old friends!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy here again.

What a day! It started off with Old Two Legs thinking it was Friday 'cos the rubbish was out the front of the house waiting for the dustbin men to collect but it was Saturday 'cos there was a day’s holiday so the bin men had the day off!

When we got to the normal parking spot there were a couple of cars already parked up so OTL had to go to the big car park.

Now, this wasn't as bad as you would have thought 'cos after getting out of the car I wandered over to the notice board or as OTL calls is, the Pee Post and guess what?

I could sniff my mate the husky!

Well, I was so excited I was crying, as OTL calls it and rushing off following the scent!

He was there, waiting for me!


You know we haven’t seen each other for at least a month!

 Of course, we caught up on all the sniffs and what Christmas Presents he had got plus how his old mate was doing 'cos he's getting old now and tends to just spend he wee time in the garden!

We had a good time exchanging sniffs and where he wee'd I then wee'd on top of his wee, you know, it's a doggy thing!


Shift over, I wanna wee now!

 Back home OTL decided to watch his Stargate SG-1 and I enjoyed a good snooze on his lap while he watched SG-1 sort out all the aliens!

If you are going to snooze then this is the best place!

So that's it for now, rain is promised for tomorrow so it's on with the rain coat!

Bye for now!




  1. Yo Daisy. Wot's all this about you tarting with another woofer? I've been hard at work guarding and you've been off out and tarting. It's rained pretty much all day here, my mum offered to pick my boy up cos she sent him a message to say it was hammering down and she would pick him up, but he sent a message back saying it was fine where he was so he was going to walk. Well he came in looking like a drowned rat. My mum says he's a numpty. Well I'm up at silly o clock again tomorrow to do more guarding so I spose you'll be out tarting again. Smashing pictures today, looks like you're very comfy on OTL's lap. Take care stay warm and dry all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others, btw Daisy, you best start thinking up a good song for Monday on account of I'll be 11. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Monday? Wot's happening on Monday?

  3. Flipping heck Daisy. There you are off tarting with the Huskey and then you go and forget Archie's birthday. He'll go off you if you keep this behaviour up!
    Happy Birthday to Archie for Monday. xxx

    1. Thank you Sarn, can you believe that Daisy, wot a tart.
