Tuesday 24 January 2023

The Wormy Men are back!

Hello Woofers.

Daisy here in chilly North Kent!

Now, I don't mind a spell of cold weather to help cull the mosquito’s colony but I'd rather be inside when it all happens!

Mind you, the wild life seems to be restricted to the bird life in and around our garden. Today there were the gang of feral pigeons who sit on the roof waiting for TM to spread the bird feed on the ground for them.

Followed then by the 'Small Brown Joby', Gold Finch, Chaffinch, Green finch, Sparrows Grey Wag Tail, Wren and a Robin. Then of course there are the gulls down on the sea front.

Today however, we saw a couple of Jay’s flying around in the forest, looking for their last years nest site!

 It's the Wormy Men out for a dig!

We saw the Grey Hounds out for a run. You know they can certainly run with their long legs!

I had a game with OTL, I just sat down on the grass and pretended not to hear him when he was shouting for me to follow him!

I wait until he is half way back before running down to meet him!


 No, sorry, can't hear a thing!

 I was thinking about going down onto the beach and have a paddle but it was just too cold!


 I might try some 'Wild Swimming' but only in the summer!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Another cold day here as well. My poor little plates of meat were freezing outside in the garden. I'm right fed up with this cold weather. Now today my boy has got stuck into his new course, he's done quite a bit but still has lots more to do. He wasn't very happy last night, he came down to get some of his favourite ice cream and found that all 3 tubs had gone soft. So today my mum set about the fridge and she was practising her new language skills, think she'd doing italian or spanish now. Well she was moving it every way, hoovering, emptying, cleaning and she got a bit grumpy when I stuck my head inside to give her a kiss. There I was, offering to help her clean it and I got told to go away. Well she pushed it, pulled it, thumped it and kicked it and do you know, it was working. She's promised my boy she'll replace his cookie dough ice cream and she went up the shop to get him some and they only had one tub, so she still owes my boy 2 more tubs, but she did bring him a giant bar of dairy milk to half make up. Hope Mrs TM managed to get all her filming done today. Smashing pictures Daisy. I dunno wot the birds are called in my garden, I don't mix with them much other than to chase them away. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
