Saturday 28 January 2023

Where have all the sunrises gone, long time passing?

Hi Woofers!

Daisy here again.

Well, I tried waking OTL up good and early this morning. 

The old 'Cold Nose in the ear' did the trick. 

Well, it did until he went back to sleep!

In the end I got him up and out the door!

I was hoping for a sunrise but to be honest, it just didn't happen. All we got was a smear between sea and sky!

I've seen better through my water bowl!

We met up with Jasper who was complaining 'cos he wasn't allowed off the lead.

He couldn't work out why but we still shared sniffs and weed in the same spot!

OTL did a bit of 'Fiddly Diddly with the camera so it looked brighter than it really was!

We are beginning to see some bird life flitting around the trees, this morning we saw a couple of Jay's searching for last year’s nesting site!

The gulls were making their normal noise and the crows were mugging the Two Legs for scraps of food. You know, biscuits, a bit of bread or half a sandwich!

The best was as we were coming back at lunchtime, there, sitting on a fence in the village was a Kestrel looking at the world go by.

OTL spotted it, stopped the car in the middle of the road, wound down the window and started to take shots of it. The Kestrel looked at OTL and decided it was just another bird watcher!

Now, there was OTL, stopped in the middle of the road, at a junction clicking away. Unfortunately, there were cars trying to get past and having difficulty, so, they started to honk their hooter!

OTL kept clicking away!

Then they honked some more!

OTL was still clicking away!

In the end they squeezed past and still OTL was clicking away!

You just can't move OTL when he gets a shot! 

See you tomorrow!




  1. Yo Daisy, you are lucky getting a bit of a lay in this morning, I mean that's why Saturday's were invented, for having a lay in. Nice photos, good on OTL for getting his shots of the birdie in. Some people are just in too much of a rush. Well I was up at silly o clock, well before sunrise. Do you know, my mum has been on the internetty and bought that new food box a treat already, she's bought it a thermometer, well I suppose as long as she don't put it where the sun don't shine, the food box won't mind. My boy went up the shops and bought me a big broccoli. We watched some of Mrs TM's videos, we'll catch up with the rest tomorrow on account of Brenda and Millie came to call. We think Mrs TM'videos are the best. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Fab shot if the Kestrel- never mind the honkers!!! Impatient some drivers are!!!! X
