Sunday 26 February 2023

Double Time on a Sunday?

 Hi Woofers!

It's me again!

You know, if OTL didn't have me, he would be late in getting up every morning! Mind you, The Missus was late in getting up as well!

Without me they both will be lost!

It makes a change to see the sunrise, OTL didn't see a sunrise while he was away Up North!

Down here we can produce proper sunrise!

The Old Two Trees, Bench and Poo Bin!

Around the corner we get a second sunrise, even if the sun was up, he was able to get a different view.

A view over Sheerness!

OTL tried to get some enthusiasm for emptying the pond but it was too cold, so, he got all the tools out and managed to complete the outstanding orders and get packed ready for the carrier.


Now it's late on Sunday so OTL is going down stairs to have a slurp of whisky and a nibble of Shortbread!


Bye for now!






1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy, how's yer tum and butt, hope they're both feeling loads better. Puggle has gone home, he's spent most of his time here snoring and disturbing my snooze you know. You'd have thought he would have done his fair share of the guarding when my mum went to work at silly o clock, but no, he was way too busy snoring so loudly that the people in our street must have wondered if there was an after shock to the earthquakes in Cornwall and Wales. I just didn't dare close my eyes. I thought when my mum came home we might get an early siesta in but he chose that time to lick his paws, the bed and the carpet, now, some can lick quietly, some can lick making a bit of noise but who licks and snorts at the same time????? A Puggle does, that's who. So now I've got a bit of peace at last. Now my boy came home from work yesterday and bought a mothers day present for my mum, a brand new dog and bone, so have a guess who's flavour of the month at the moment!! I tell you Daisy, it was freezing here this morning when my mum turned me out for my first patrol of the garden, I don't blame OTL for not wanting to play in the pond. Smashing pictures today. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others but not the puggle. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
