Thursday 2 February 2023

No strangers today!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy here!

Fun and games today lads, well OTL has been getting in a pickle!

This morning we got up a little earlier than normal and got down to the sea front before the sun had got up!

Mind you, it made a change to take a snap of the Two Trees, Bench and Poo Bin!

The old ones are still the best!

The sun was still in bed so it was still dark. Mind you, it looks like the aeroplanes are racing each other across the sky!

First stop Poland?

Just before we got to the hill the sun was about to poke its nose over Sheerness but we didn't hang about 'cos OTL had some work to do.

 We beat the sun to Sheerness!

 Now, when we got home OTL started the procedure of booking a couple of overnight stops at Gretna Green on our way up and down from Oban.

First, he tried telephoning the hotel cos the booking system wouldn't work. All they would do was to point us to an online Booking Company. Unfortunately, their site kept of falling over so it was more by luck that it finally managed to make the booking.

Next, he tried to book a room for the trip back home but the web site kept referring to the first booking and refused to register the new dates!

More telephone calls, no progress and then, without any warning they acknowledged the change of date. Trouble was, they wouldn't confirm the booking as it could take up to forty-eight hours to confirm booking change.

OTL has one booking and a maybe!

I'm off to see what's for dinner!

By for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Nice pictures today. I was up at silly o clock and on guard duty until my mum got home from work. We were both quite tired when she got home so after a phone call to sort out the new food box we had a snooze. We've got a new one coming on Wednesday, that's if the one we had delivered last Friday doesn't end up in the back of my mums car and driven back to where it came from. At the moment my mum is not the happiest I've ever seen her and she's gone from French, Italian, Spanish to Japanese. My boy is on the case. Alfie puggle and Caroline came for a coffee today and he didn't outstay his welcome and went home when Caroline went, instead of taking up residence. Now see, these are the sort of visits I prefer. Tomorrow I'll be having a well earned lay in before the weekend comes and I'm back on guard duty. Now I don't understand these internetty thingys, I agree with my mum, pen and paper don't have as many strops as these technical type systems. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
