Saturday 29 April 2023

A Day of Racing.

Hello Woofers!

Daisy here.

Well, what a day, this morning first thing we were up and off to the football field looking for Devo, I could sniff him but I think it was yesterdays!

Yes, the Poo Bin is there!

We wandered along the sea front but there was no one there to say hello to except the crow we normally see.

Is it a crow or a gull?

Back home I had to stay with OTL while he fiddled around on the computer but afterwards, we went down stairs and watched the Baku F1 racing. There was Qualifying then Sprint, all of which was exciting 'cos not only is the track fast but the track is very narrow in places!

After the Sprint race we switched over and watched a program about Weasels and Stoats and Ferrets! We have seen it before but it was still very interesting and of course OTL fell in love with the ferrets! 

I reckon that if TM allows him, he would have another cage full tomorrow!

Lunchtime the sun was out but the normal crowd of woofers seemed to have disappeared and the weekenders were nowhere to be seen!

So, where have they all gone?

OTL was playing with the controls on the camera and to be honest, I found the whole thing was rather boring.

The ground was nice and dry and it had even warmed up a bit. 

I did enjoy a snooze on the sea front!

This reminds me of the summer days when Holly, the ferrets and I enjoyed summer days in and out of the weeds!

Right, I'm off to watch the snooker on the TV. TM says she likes the game and OTL suggested we have a game down the local Snooker Hall, but to be honest I don't think TM would be able to sprawl all over the table!

See you tomorrow!



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy, shame you didn't find Devo or any other mates. I had a visit from Millie and Brenda this afternoon and we all sat in the garden cos for a change it wasn't freezing out there. Apart from that me and my mum have had quite a lazy day and we're off to bed soon on account of Saturday and Sunday being our work days, although my mum tells me we both have to work this Wednesday on account of someone being on holiday. Now I'm not keen on getting up at silly o clock 3 days a week but I will protest on Tuesday. Smashing pictures today. I loved seeing the pictures of you and Holly chops on the beach with various ferrets trying to creep up on you both. Now then about this game of snooker, I've got an idea wot would save Mrs TM having to sprawl across the table, when the balls are hit, you could jump on and bring them back for her, everyones a winner, you all get to have fun and play. We enjoyed watching Mrs TM flinging the glue again today. Enjoy the racing. Take care, stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
