Monday 24 April 2023

Green or Yellow?

Hello Woofers.

Daisy here.

Well, we got another rain-soaked day here in North Kent but the day was saved by the fact there was little work for OTL to do and he could spend some time playing with his camera gear.

The renewed interest in the camera stuff has grown from the booking he has made to visit the Treshnish Isles off the top of Mull.

Then afterwards we stop off to Staffa to see Fingals Cave and then Lung to photograph the Puffins before they finish breeding and head off for another year!

So, to get a bit of practice OTL set up his VBL (Very Big Lens) on the big tripod. Now, our garden isn't that big and we got what OTL thinks is a Japanese tree with its roots on one side of the garden and the branches stretch half way across the garden. Anyway, we get the birds ducking and diving on and off the feeders and into the tree.

The rain was still filling the pond but he got a couple of shots of a Goldfinch and one that was a Greenfinch of it may have been a Yellow Hammer!

What do you reckon?

Now, we know this is a Goldfinch.

Now this is the problem one, Greenfinch have a yellow/green breast but this one seems to have an excess of yellow!

Greenfinch or Yellow Hammer?

Looking at the picture again, I reckon it's a Greenfinch.

If tomorrow is anything like today I reckon OTL will be trying to catch a few more birds in the tree!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well I reckon, wot with my considerable knowledge of birdies, it's a canary. The weather hasn't been very nice here today either so I went for an early walk before the rain came but it was still very chilly. I didn't see any of my mates and so I decided to just do half my walk and come home back to the warm and have a snooze instead. Now, my mum went into the shop where she works and her boss wants me and her to do another day a week at the end of next month. Now I dunno about my mum but I'm not keen on getting up at silly o clock anymore than I already do. I think we might have to see how things go otherwise we might retire completely, now I would like that but my mum says wait and see. We had a really nice snuggle up on the sofa with a blanket and a lovely snooze this afternoon. My boy is off work for the next 2 days so he came home loaded with snacks and apple turnovers for my mum. We're planning to watch the last episode of Picard tomorrow so we'll have plenty of munchies to keep us happy. Nice pictures of the birdies today. Paws cross that we get better weather tomorrow. Take care, stay warm, safe and dry all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
