Sunday 7 May 2023

A Sun Shiny Day

 Hello Woofers.

Daisy here.

What a super day it's been, I was up early this morning, well, The Missus was up early and she woke me up so I decided to get up and chase the birds out of the garden and by the time I'd done that it was time for a pre get up snooze!

What with all the noise I made chasing the birds, I woke OTL!

That's it, no snoozes for OTL!

In my search for non-sunrise pictures, I find things I haven't really looked at before. Take this building, obviously a WWII building. What it was used for I have no idea, maybe a storage building or some sort of gun emplacement.

A shelter from the rain?

This spot is either the beginning or the end of the walk around the meadows and through the forest. One good thing is it is full of sniffs of every woofer who passed this way!

It's fun sniffing what I call The Notice Board!

 Eh! This one is me, from this morning!

We have four villages local to us, there is Allhallows, where I live, then there is Upper Stoke, Middle Stoke and Lower Stoke.

Whoever named them didn't have much imagination but living out on the peninsula can be a little limiting!

As we headed off to the walking places, we came across this sight, bunting, a marquee and the promise of food!

Seems they were all gearing up for a street party in the local car park!

OTL said we couldn't stay 'cos there was no place to park the car!

There are two roads in the village, and they are both called High Street!

I can remember this forest when it was Winter and there were no leaves on the trees or Alexander weeds on the ground. Mind you, the sniffs are easier to sniff now!

Left, Right or Centre?

Decisions, decisions!

We got tomorrow off as well, no work, just a little guarding and a woof or two at the strangers passing the front windows!

Bye for now.



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