Friday 12 May 2023

Friday again!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy back with you again.

Now, first of all, the Mystery Moth from yesterday. We had made exhaustive search looking for the butterfly/moth but in the end, we had to give up.

OTL passed the photo onto our local expert for comment.

The result came back this morning,

It is a day flying moth and comes under the micro-moth listings, in the Pyralidae group.

It is Pyrausta despicata!

Not uncommon in Grain!

Oh well, not the super rare butterfly, just a little lost moth! 

We went back to the book of insects but couldn't find any mention of it, so, OTL couldn't identify if it's not listed!

Well, that's his excuse anyway! 

This morning I was sniffing my way along the path when OTL called me to 'see who is here', it was Devo!

We had a great time sharing sniffs along the path until he had to go off the path and further on down the sea front. Well, he is such a big lad, he needs the exercise!

Today it has been rather gloomy and wet, that means the butterflies have all stayed at home, so, with no new flowers it left OTL to go hunting slugs and snails!

 With snails you have to be quick, as soon as they see you, they’re off like a rocket!

It was lucky that OTL caught this one!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy, smashing pictures again today. The weather here has been horrible, wet, windy and chilly. Last night I found some of my little froggy friends waiting to play sniff and hop, it was good fun until my mum came and made me go in. I had a nice snuggle with my mum on the sofa this afternoon. Good luck this weekend, my mum is having tomorrow off work so we don't have to get up at silly o clock. My boy is off now for a whole week so there's lots of wrestling matches to be planned. Shame OTL couldn't find anymore information on that moth, I can tell him they eat holes in TL's clothes though, if that's any help. I'm off for a pre scoff snooze so take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
