Friday 5 May 2023

Poo Bins, Deep Paddles and Big Woofers!

Hello Woofers.

Daisy here.

Well, this has been a good day, OTL has been looking at new shots along our normal walk.

He first came across the growth of insect favoured plants that have been missed by the grass cutters and it's called Alexander!

It is called Alexander but there would normally be masses of it if left it to grow!

 Trouble is, there would be loads of other plants that would harbour loads of insects if they had let the other plants grow wild.

Heading down to the sea front and with no Fiddly Diddly, a look towards the North Sea shows what the clouds look like in the morning!

The notice Board for TL's 'cos they can't sniff the bins!

This Poo Bin lost its top and has to put up with an open bag!

Now, the best is this one, some dopy Two Leg tried to be all tidy and deposited a BBQ tray in the plastic bin without peeing on it first and ended up burning the bin to the ground!

Bin Dun and Gone!

A four legged insect of some sorts but landed on the car cover!

Lunchtime we were back down the sea front again 'cos the tide was in and I wanted a deep paddle!

 If I hang back long enough I'll get a chance when he turns his back!
   A Deep Paddle and a slip on the sea weed!

 I carried on running on the sea weed and made it to the beach where a big woofer was standing guard. I wasn't too sure what he wanted but he crouched down and stuck his tail in the air! It could be he wanted a game of chase but I wasn't having anything to do with him and I legged it back up to OTL on the sea wall!

 Watch it or I'll set OTL onto you!
 I decided to have a rest on the bench to try to dry off but I was just too wet! Still, back in the car I had a good roll on the blanket and managed to dry some bits!

Well, that's it, not a sunrise in sight and it is up to OTL to do another sunrise free photo tomorrow!

Bye for now.

1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well wot interesting pictures today and the ones I like best are the ones with you in them. You got lots of different types of bins down there, do you have to put different types of rubbish in them? Now that big woofer looks like he's doing wot Boris the bounce used to do, crouch down and when another woofer gets close enough, they spring up in the air and then bounce on you. Boris doesn't do that anymore on account we all got wise to him so we started giving him a wide berth, so now he acts like a civilised woofer and comes and says ello and sniffs nicely like a good chap. I decided not to go out today on account we had a couple of thunderstorms and some very heavy rain, even my boy decided not to walk to work this morning, he'd have turned up like a drowned rat, so my mum gave him a lift. Me and my mum have been watching all the results of the voting today and we've been having lots of snuggles on the sofa together, it's been very nice. My boy is off the weekend while me and my mum are both working. I'll be putting my paws up this evening and making up for the snoozes I'm going to miss. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
