Friday 2 June 2023

Another new moth!

 Hello Woofers.

Daisy back again!

I love Fridays, it's one of the best days of the week. You still have to work; I do house guarding while OTL Chases outstanding invoice payments from his lazy customers!

Come lunch time we get to have a long leisurely walk down on the sea front, followed by lunch and a snooze before and after a snooze!

Investigating the moth trap, we have found a new breed of moth, it's a Vine's Rustic, which again is as common as muck and can be found all over the UK!

A fine example of a Vine's Rustic moth.

 Now, talking of identification, OTL and The Missus have been having discussions on what a plant is called. The field where the Slippy Cows have been growing have got a fine carpet of yellow flowered plants that OTL reckon are Slippy Cows going over to seed. TM on the other paw reckons they are called Yellow Rattle. Looking on the Internetty thingy we have to agree with her!

Yellow Rattle wild flower, invasive but pretty!

Walking around the sea front we came across a British Bulldog called Fletcher. To begin with we couldn't work out who he was named after, then it came to us, Fletcher from the TV programme Porridge!

The names Fletcher


 But you can call me Fletch!

 Of course, he was all over OTL like a rash but I decided to leave them to it, I wouldn't fancy getting kissed by him!

F1 Racing this weekend, after Monaco we are hoping for more overtaking!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. I would say nice pictures but they were until that thing with the face wot looks like it ran into a brick wall turned up. I don't blame you for not wanting to kiss that, you'd get lost in the wrinkles and covered in slobber. I went to the vets this morning for my monthly injection and as usual I was subjected to lots of cuddles and fuss, I don't really know why they make me stand on the table for a handful of treats and then they say I can get down and I get more fuss and treats but hey, wot ever turns them on, I know they enjoy me visiting them. One of these visits I'm sure they'll be sticking something sharp into me but so far I've not noticed anything sharp coming into contact with me, my mum says it's cos I'm too busy scoffing to notice. I heard you trying to wake OTL up this afternoon after you had a siesta with him. I'm off to bed early on account of it being a work day for me tomorrow. I really think I might have to consider retiring. I'm off for a pre bedtime, pre scoff snooze so take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
