Tuesday 13 June 2023


 Hello Woofers.

Daisy Here!

Another day of sunshine and gentle breezes. Once again, we were up too early to catch the lads or even Devo but it was still pleasant walking alongside the bramble bushes.

Mind you, the pollen set off OTL's hay fever something awful!

One of the interesting things is the sniffs from yesterday on the side of the path and up the grass. It is so easy picking up Jasper and Henry, I even got a sniff of Hugo and Susie!

So many and yet so far away!

Lunchtime it was just the same except we met up with a young Jack Russell who tried to nip OTL's hand. OTL was just too quick for him and the woofer ended up with a smack on the nose!

You know, I can even sniff the kebab shop across the river in Sheerness!

You know I could just fancy a Kebab and chips!

Just across the river there are two Kebab shops, a Fish 'n' Chip shop and I think there is a McDonny!

Back home OTL managed to trim some of the hair from above my eyes which helped clear my vision. I did have a fidget but he managed to get it all trimmed in the end!

The Missus has been working away on some cards she has promised to finish before we go away and tomorrow, she even plans to finish off a couple of videos, just to keep everyone happy until we come back!

So, bye for now and see you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well me and my mum camped out downstairs last night, it was much cooler. We had the fans blowing up a hurricane, I nearly lost my eyebrows in the wind. Of course camping downstairs meant I could tell my mum I fancied a trot round the garden in the cool, she started to get a bit uppity after the 3rd time I told her to shift her bones. Me and my mum always look forwards to watching Mrs TM demoing in her videos, we always keep our eyes peeled in case a Daisy happens into view. I spose if OTL is sneezing away, he's blowing the hot air out the room so that's one good thing about him having hay fever. I'm off for a short siesta on account of this heat makes my eyelids very heavy. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
