Friday 9 June 2023

Things we do for The Missus!

Hi Woofers.

Daisy here.

We were up early this morning and forced to get down the sea front before even the birdies were still in bed!

Of course, no sign of the lads or Devo😞

We had to fight our way through the morning traffic on the motorway and through the villages until we got to Ditton on the Wold!

Back home we looked inside the moth trap and found a Heart & Dart, not new and as common as they come!

We are getting better and now it's just the focus we have to work on!

We went out at lunchtime and didn't see anyone at all, just where have all the woofers gone?

Back home OTL has been playing with the paperwork, VAT paperwork that is!

We've not heard from TM all day, so she must be having a great time demonstrating the art of Glue Slapping!

After the show we will be collecting her from a restaurant in town.

Tomorrow OTL and I will be getting the camera gear ready for holiday time and charging up the batteries!

By for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Sounds like you and OTL have had a busy day chauffeuring Mrs TM to and from the show, I hope she's saved you both a doggy bag from the restaurant at the very least. Shame you missed out on meeting your mates while you were walking. Now last night I went into the garden to do one of my patrols and wot should I find but 2 cooking fats, well I took them both on single pawed, first the black one wot I chased across the garden until it cheated and jumped up on the fence and skedaddled across the neighbouring gardens, then back for Harry hairball wot lives next door but one, now we went one way across the garden, then the other way across the garden, my mum was trying to get between us to stop me tearing him limb from limb but he jumped into one of my mums bit pots, Well there I was, nose to nose with Harry hairball, he was growling at me and my mum caught me and picked me up and put me indoors, then she got hold of Harry hairball and put him up on the top of the fence and told him to go home! Wot a cheek them cooking fats have got. Well me and my mum have been keeping our eyes peeled today and neither of them have been brave enough to come back for round 2. I had an early walk today but I didn't see any of my mates either. My mum reckons by the time she gets home from work in the morning that it might be a bit too warm for me to go walking, I must admit it has been quite warm today so I'm not too bothered about going out if it's hot. I'm off to bed early tonight, ready for my guarding job in the morning. Take care, stay safe and drive carefully all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
