Wednesday 9 August 2023

Devo again!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy back with you again.

It's been a pleasant sunny day today, no rain and to make it better, we met up with Devo first thing this morning.

I've started to call him 'Big D' it's a sort of joke from the Harry Potter films where Harry calls his cousin Big D just to wind him up!

Mind you, he still calls me 'Pint Size!

Shift yer butt Pint Size I wanna sniff!

OTL managed to capture a couple of shots of butterflies first thing while they were waiting to warm up in the sun.

Now, we haven't seen this one for some time!

This is one that normally speeds around so fast you can't catch it!

A Small White?

OTL has been playing with his printer, unbunging the jets. Seems he uses a gallon of ink flushing out the jet then an eye drops of ink just to do the printing!

OTL plans to hang another picture of Holly and I on the wall on the side of the stairs, under the picture of the Power Station that was knocked down a few years back!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo pint size. I went for an early walk this morning, I saw Millie sitting in the window and we waved tails at each other but my mum wouldn't let me go and visit on account of she said we had too many jobs to do today. I wasn't very happy about that! Me and my mum have been doing mending, some of the pins have dropped out of the hinges and they wouldn't go back in, so my mum had a brain wave, she went and found some very long nails, almost as thick as the pins and she got them down in the hinges so our doors won't fall off. Then she set to the bathroom and was tidying everything up, then the airing cupboard, then the other cupboard on the landing, phew, I was nearly worn out. My boy has been slaving away over a hot headset, so we've all been very industrious today, now you would think that tomorrow my mum would let us have a bit of time off and a lay in, but no, she's going to work on account of the lady wot does the papers tomorrow has got the bug wot my mum and my boy had. I've got to get up early and do the guarding, wot a swizz. Smashing pictures today. Take care and stay safe all and put your paws up. Love, licks and sniffs from little (worn out) Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
