Friday 1 September 2023

A day off!

Hi Woofers

Daisy here.

Well, after all that hard heavy work we have been doing on the pond, it made a change to get up and not be worried about the list of jobs to be done!

The pond looks good and although it has been raining, a click of a switch and the sprinkler thingy squirts water into the air!

With a bit of luck, it will be sunny tomorrow and the batteries will get charged and we won't have to rely on remote charging in the house!

We were up good and early today and as soon as we got to the car park, I could sniff Devo but we couldn't find him at all!

I sat in the middle of the football field and waited for Devo but there was no sign of him at all. OTL got fed up and marched across the field to attach the lead to my collar!

Back home we were locked up in the office while The Missus recorded a couple of videos on how to slap glue!

Mind you, OTL and I enjoyed a snooze in peace!

OTL has had some fun with the sprinkler and it is on charge at the moment. By the time it is charged we may have a go at getting the UV light to glow tonight!

Providing it has stopped raining we may have illumination!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Glad to hear you managed to get a day off after all your hard work this week. Sorry you missed Devo again. I went off to the vets this morning, there was my mum sat in the bath when the phone went and it was the vet asking how I was and my mum said I was still limping, so she asked my mum to take me in to see her this morning, so off we went. I got another thorough going over but no blood test and no stabbing, just treats and an empty bottle for me to wee in on Tuesday. I got some new tablets as well, the vet said I'd be snoozey for about 2 weeks before my body gets used to them, but so far I haven't been snoozey. My limp has gone and my boy was telling my mum that he thinks I was doing it for effect, he said when she went up the shops I was jumping around like Zebedee and he was trying hard to stop me. He is such a snitch. My mum is looking forward to watching Mrs TM's glue flinging videos. Carry on putting your paws up. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch, my mum and the whispering grass. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
