Monday 11 September 2023

A drop in temprature today.

Hello Woofers.

Daisy here.

Well last night there was a drop in temperature and we all got a reasonable sleep. It was even better when we got up, in fact it was quite mild.

There was low cloud, all sort of misty white, no definition so it wasn't worth taking any photographs even if we had brought the camera.

I decided to catch up on my snoozing while OTL was playing on the computer, talking to the world!

Half way through the morning we went into the garden to give the snails a poke and to see what was moving. One of the plants had fallen over, so it was water up to his elbows while OTL put it back vertical again.

We saw a couple of snails on the edge but decided to leave them where they were, just to get settled in.

There were loads of tiddly insecty things wriggling around the edges, I reckon they could be baby mosquitos.

There was a small dragonfly buzzing around the pond which when you consider that it has been only a couple of weeks since we filled the pond up!

OTL is off to the dentist tomorrow to get his gold tooth glued in again It has started to get a little wobble a bit which is not bad considering the last time it was glued in was about ten years ago!

See you all tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well it was only a very little bit cooler here today, still too warm for my liking. It's been a busy day here, first my mum was vacuuming and dusting and sorting all the wires wot were plugged in and around the router thingumybobby and then there was the phone wires and loads of other wires. When she finished she got a phone call from the chap wot comes and pokes the wire through the wall asking if he could come early on account of he'd finished all his jobs wot he had booked in before, so he arrived with a big drill and drilled a hole all the way through the wall, did a bit of fiddly stuff and then hey presto, we're full fibre giggle fast here. I'll be able to put my replies on before you can sign off. I sent my mum out to cut the grass for me on account of it tickles my butt when I go for a poo. Then off she went to the fish and chip shop to get something for her and the boy. Tomorrow morning she goes off to get her flu stab and she's hoping to get a shingles stab as well on account of she's getting old now. She reckons she's going to put her paws up this evening cos she reckons she's worked hard today. Good luck to OTL when he gets to the dentist, my mum had a gold nugget in one of her teef and when it dropped out she asked them to glue it back and they said it wouldn't fit but she could buy a new one for 3 arms and five legs, she told them to stick and ordinary filling in cos she wasn't about to part up with her life's savings for a hole in her tooooof. Glad to hear the snails haven't done a runner and that wildlife is returning home to the pond. We've got some tiny little froggies hopping round the garden. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
