Thursday 21 September 2023

Squirting fountain!

Hello Woofers.

Daisy here!

We have been having fun here today, first of all we met up with my mate Devo right at the end of the morning walk.

We had a little game of Butt Sniffin' then we headed off in different directions!

Yesterday OTL had a box delivered to the front door. It was another pond squirty things but this one floats on top of the pond and is powered by the sun, when it shines!

By the time OTL got it working yesterday, the sun had gone in and the clouds stopped it from squirting water anywhere.

This morning is different, after our morning walk, we got home to water being squirted all over the place!

It's got six different heads so you can change the spray pattern, depending on the sun!

Being free floating it tends to move all over the place, depending of the direction of the wind.

Now what makes this fun is that it only cost £6.99!

We have decided to call it 6.99!


 In the same delivery OTL has got a bag of Pond Compost and has put it in the top right-hand patch of the pond. Shallow water depth which will be great for the shallow rooted plants. Mind you, that taller plant is causing problems 'cos it keeps falling over so often we have to hold it down with a bigger pot and a ton of rocks!

The colour of the pond is slowly clearing and, in a week, or two it should clear, we hope!

F1 racing this weekend, all the way from Japan, TM will be recording it as there is no way OTL will be up to see it live!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Glad to hear you managed to catch up with Devo today. I went for an early walk and decided when I got out on the footpath that I didn't want to go so I headed back indoors. We've had quite a lot of rain at different times today and I've just heard a rumble of thunder so I'm not planning on going into the garden any time soon. Tomorrow morning I've got to pick up Millie and we're off for a wash and splosh, neither of us are looking forward to it, neither of us like getting wet. Your new squirting fountain looks good. There was lots of little froggie mates out and about in my garden last night so we had a good game of sniff and hop, I think some of them are nearly ready to enter the olympics for the high jump, I've been training them well. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
