Tuesday 10 October 2023

Insects in the pond.

Hello Woofers.

Daisy here.

It's been a refreshing sort of day, first thing this morning we were late in getting up and the gang had all gone by the time we got to the car park.

The sunrise was beginning to look interesting and we reckon that given two or three days we should start to get real sunrises!

No Devo and no sniffs either!

I was disappointed to see that the plastic leaves and stalks had gone from the bin!

Bin and Gone!

There were some new sniffs, interesting and new and I made OTL wait while I did some serious investigation!


So far, we have had a couple of moths get stuck in the pond and today there was this thing struggling to get over the Lilly Leef. It was almost 10mm in length and we couldn't work out what is far, called.

Tomorrow will be the last sunny day then it is storms, rain, hail, floods and even more nasty weather!

Then it's all back to October weather!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well I went for a walk this morning and met my mates Buddy the bop and little Alfie, we had a good chat while our TL's were giving it large with the gassing. My mum popped off to the vets without me, boooo hissssssss, to get a couple of containers for me to wee in and to get some petrol for the jam jar. Then when she got home I sent her out to cut the grass while I had a nice siesta. I was planning a nice lay in tomorrow but my mum said I got to get up early on account of she's planning a gassing zoom with Mrs TM and Pat, so that's scuppered my plans. My mum has to go and get stabbed at lunch time and then her and my boy are off to pick up his bins from the opticians tomorrow afternoon. I'm getting ready to laugh my paws off when I can call him 4 eyes. What did your investigations of the sniffs throw up, anything interesting? Smashing picture of you. Now is that thing on the leaf a hornet? If it is, watch out cos they can sting. Well I'm off to put my paws up if I can't have a lay in tomorrow, so that care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
