Wednesday 4 October 2023

No Devo!

Hi Woofers,

Daisy here.

Now, I'm all for a quiet life with as little stress and trouble as possible but OTL sort of caps the lot!

You see, the posh car has got loads of gizmo’s that light up on the dash board and tell you all manner of information regarding the vehicle’s health and requirements.

A week or so ago a message came up on the dash saying the car needed a service and OTL being a good lad booked it in with the local agent.

In the past OTL had to get The Missus to follow in the Godmobile to take OTL back home after dropping the car off.

Not this time, you know he actually arranged for our car to be picked up from home, serviced, washed and cleaned inside and out, then delivered back home again!

Talk about lazy!

Our morning walk was a little late this morning because we had to wait for the car to be collected. That means we were late getting down to the sea front, of course, that means Devo had been and gone by the time we arrived!

Still, we met up with Barny II who gave OTL a right Woofers Hello!

The sun was up but OTL still managed to get a couple of shots.

The famous Two Tree, Bench and Poo Bin shot!

A little while later we came across the Medway Estuary shot!

I reckon that after the Sycamore Gap Tree was chopped down, our two trees will become super famous together with the Bench and Poo Bin!

At least with our two trees we get the chance of peeing up two trees without moving!

Lunchtime we were out the back having a wee and a sniff. I like it now the mini TL's have gone back to school, I get to have the whole football field to myself!

See you tomorrow.




1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Smashing pictures today. I dunno about the gap tree but you're more famous than any tree. I went for a walk but it was boring, no mates around and I thought I could sniff some rain heading our way so I decided to go back home. Now my boy had to go get his eyes checked today and he has to have goggles for when he uses his computer, so I'll be able to call him 4 eyes when I go in his office. He's glad he only has to wear them for work on account of he reckons glasses just don't go with his face. That sounds like a good service that someone comes and collects OTL's Daisymobile, my mum has a chap wot comes and gets her jam jar and delivers it back when it's done. It's been a bit chilly here today but no rain. Me and my mum are looking forwards to a lay in tomorrow on account of we haven't really had a lay in for a couple of weeks. Anyways, take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
