Monday 2 October 2023

Yo! Devo!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy Here.

There we were, walking over the football field when OTL gives me our secret whistle.

Well actually it's more of a hissing sound!

I had a quick look around and instead of seeing a 'Cooking Fat' I saw Devo bounding over the field dragging his Two Legs along!

Well, that was it, we both walked together investigating sniffs and making a few sniffs ourselves! 

OK Devo, after you with the grass clump!

Of course, sniffing can be a little time consuming so we had to make each sniff last long enough!

Come on Half Pint, your turn!

You finished Half Pint?

Unfortunately, Devo couldn't hang around cos he was late in getting up and his TL would be late for work so it was a Wee & Dash!

Back home The Missus was recording another of her videos and planned to do one a day for the next four or five days. That means OTL and I get banned to the office to 'Keep Quiet' while TM performs her magic!

Magic be blowed, who does she think she is, Hermione Jean Granger?

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Glad you managed to catch up with Devo today. My mum said did I want to go for a walk but I could sniff rain not far away so I declined. Well this afternoon the was a crash and a flash and then all the lectrics went off. Down came the monsoon and my boy was out over the town so my mum had to jump in the car and go get him or he'd have been swimming home. Well he went back to work in his office a bit damp and then he finished and jumped in the car with my mum and now he's off to his head office on a train, then staying in a hotel, then going to a meeting tomorrow then coming home tomorrow night. I think I might have to go into a decline on account he won't be around to tuck me in and give me a snuggle when I settle down in bed tonight. We've had quite a few rumbles of thunder and flashes this evening and we get regular monsoon type showers. It's no good my mum keep opening the door cos I'm not going in the garden to get wetted. I think I might go and put my paws up now cos I'm the man of the house and in charge. Take care and stay safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
