Monday 27 November 2023

A day of snoozing!

Hello Woofers,

Daisy here.

Hello again, this day has been one of those days of pleasant relaxation. Well, I seemed to be asleep for most of the day anyway!

On the way out for a walk there were loads of puddles everywhere, all the way along the road, past the Thames Port docks and down to our car park. I jumped out of the car, straight into a rather deep puddle and OTL's wellies got wet half way up the sides!

OTL had not brought the camera because it was not only raining but it too dark to take any photos!

We met up with The Lads and sort of passed right the way through them, well, as normal they were chasing balls and seemed not to take much notice of OTL and I.

I don't get the opportunity of saying that I don't want to go walkies, mainly because I do want to go and OTL encourages be with a small tow up the garden path!

Unlike Archie Babe I don't do broccoli, I have tried it but it does nothing to me. Now, a nice cool carrot, washed to get rid of the mud and anything they might have sprayed onto it, now there's a treat.

I have developed a method of eating the carrot so it ends up looking like a drill or cork screw!

OTL has always said that I should have been an engineer!

I'm off for another snooze before going to bed!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy, well it's been a very cold, very wet dreary day here today. Well sometimes I do want to go for a walk but sadly when I get out the front door I find the weather not to my liking. So today it certainly wasn't too my liking soI refused. Now I had an appointment this afternoon for a quick injection wot the vet forgot to give me last week, I poked my nose out the front door and told my mum no way was I going out in that weather so she had to pick me up and carry me to the car. Do you know when we parked up at the vets I didn't even bother trying to have a sniff in the car park or any where on the way to the door. Now normally it's pretty good sniffing. Glad you met up with your mates today. I've had a lazy day of snoozing as well, think I need to go put my paws up again. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
