Sunday 5 November 2023

Sunday, Rain Day and F1!

 Hello Woofers,

Daisy back again.

Well, we had the same load/unload delay but OTL has an idea he wants to try, more 'Fiddly Diddly'!

Being Sunday, we never got a lay in, we were up at the normal time which means dark, dark roads all the way to the sea front and sun coming up behind the clouds.

OK, it was all drab and uninteresting so we did the 'Fiddly Diddly' just to make a change!

Because of the drab conditions OTL got the flash settings out and played a game of  'Catch Daisy'!

OTL said 'Gottcha' when he took this one!

There were a number of fungi in full bloom when we headed towards the meadow it was a shame, we didn't have better light but the flash was still on the camera so we got this one.

A little flash to brighten it up!

Today we have the F1 race but it won't be until late this afternoon so I can expect OTL and The Missus to fall asleep sometime during the race but only when I jump up and down!

OK, now I'm going to try loading this up with the new settings, claws crossed!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy, well it worked, the page loaded faster today but I reckon it's on account of a picture of you wot it was eager to see. It's been a right chilly day here today. I asked my mum to take me out for a walk but then when we got across the road I changed my mind on account of it being so chilly. Me and my mum were going to have a snuggly siesta but that didn't work out too well on account of my mum said she couldn't get comfie. It's been a bit boring but we did spot a traffic warden sticking some tickets on some cars wot were parked wrong, that made my mum smile. Hope you all enjoyed the racing, we're going to put our paws up and get snuggly. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
