Sunday 10 December 2023

A Sunrise for a change!

Hello Woofers.

Daisy here.

Guess wot? Today I got up early cos the Tesco man is due today bringing loads of nibbles and stuff I can nick off OTL!

Of course, getting up early also means we get to go down to the sea front and if the Gods are with us, we get a sunrise!

Well, it happened today, a little drop of rain that stopped as soon as we got out of the village and all the traffic lights were green!

The clouds were very high and that added to the setting of the sunrise.

Here are the famous Two Trees, Bench and Poo bin!

A little further along the path the scene changed and it was The Bench, Tree and Poo Bin

As we got further around the sea wall you could see the high clouds all lit up from the sun that was hiding behind the Sheerness Docks!


 There were some early morning geese out on the mud flats, and early breakfast?

 Things got brighter as the day progressed and after a morning snooze, I had great fun winding OTL up when he was trying to watch a couple documentaries on the TV!

Fat chance when I'm around!

I hope to get up early tomorrow cos there is the promise of another sunrise, cross claws!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well wot brilliant pictures. Glad you managed to catch the sunrise. I had a bit of a lay in, well I reckon I deserved one. Glad you kept OTL busy as well, we can't have these TL's not getting any exercise or being bored. I've had a really nice day snuggling with my mum on the sofa with our paws up. We had a lot of rain during the day so the best place was inside nice and warm. My boy went for a walk this evening but me and my mum decided we'd stay home snuggling. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
