Wednesday 13 December 2023

It's been the same again!

Hi Woofers.

Daisy here.

Now, many of you have noticed that yesterday there was no sign of a blog. Well, it has been like that for a couple of days, cold, wet and damp and soggy as well! 

OTL and I got up too early and didn't see any of the woofers we would normally meet. Devo had disappeared and we didn't even hear the lads. I was beginning to think they had all left me!

This morning was just the same, too dark, too early and too soggy!

The Missus told us that reports have come in that Archie Babe managed to bite the end of a French Stick!

Go Archie Babe!

I manage to snaffle a bit of buttered crumpet of an evening from OTL but I've never managed a whole one!

Back to the dismal days, we have taken the camera out but haven't snapped a single shot.

I do hope that it gets better soon!

Claws crossed.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well I did miss you yesterday, the weather was pretty grim here as well so there wasn't much to do but snuggle up on the sofa. Now this french stick, well, you know us woofers are known for fetching sticks, personally they've never really interested me but today, as my mum was bringing in the shopping to unload, I thought I'd give her a paw with it all. Now wot did I spy but this french stick all nice and fresh and sniffing very sweet, so I decided I'd fetch the stick. Did I get a good boy and a pat on the head? I did not! I got a gerroff you little tea leaf, well now, I don't respond to insults so I stood my ground and put my paw down firmly. Well we had a tug of war with the stick, I got a bit and my mum got a bit, well I'd say that was fair but my mum didn't agree, anyways, by the time she'd put the stick up on the side, I'd munched the bit I managed to snaffle. Well the weather has been pretty wet, windy and chilly here today so it's been another day of paws up and snuggling. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
