Saturday 2 December 2023

Still cold!

Hello Woofers,

Daisy here.

I had some fun this morning, there I was having a cuddle on the sofa when I heard OTL turning over in bed. I knew that I had to move fast and ran upstairs and onto the bed.

His head was still out from under the duvet, so, I dived onto his head and gave his ears a good licking!

No sleep for OTL when I'm around!

Now, it's OK waking OTL I had to keep him from getting back into bed and falling asleep again!

More ear licking normally gets him into the bathroom and showered!

All this getting up is all very well but it is dark and cold when we get out of the car.

We were so early that we met no one as we headed off to the sea wall.

It was so early we saw no one, not even Devo!

When we got home, I headed off to the bedroom, I know where the warm bits are in the house, OTL's office!

So that's it really, threats of snow, ice on the pond and OTL with a wet ear!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Another freezing day here and quite foggy early on and this evening. Not to worry though cos me and my mum aren't planning to go out, we'll be snuggling up on the sofa together with our paws up. Brenda and Millie came up and brought me and my mum treats, they can come again as soon as they like. Glad you managed to get OTL out for an early mooch around, sorry you didn't meet Devo or any mates though but I expect lots of woofers would prefer to stay tucked up in their pits on these cold mornings, I know I do. Paws crossed we don't get any of that cold, wet white stuff. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
