Wednesday 6 December 2023


Hello Woofers!

Daisy here.

Well, what a difference a day makes. There we were yesterday, all grey and doomy but this morning all of the clouds have gone, the sunshine was breaking up over the horizon and we were being promised the glow of a sunrise above Sheerness!

The lights on the gas-powered station were warning the planes to keep away and the wind was gently blowing from the West.

We didn't hang around and headed off to the sea wall but when we got there, we found the sea wall covered with ice so it was rather slippy. OTL and I spend most of the time walking on the grass, just to make sure we didn't slip into the sea!

In the distance we could see The Lads chasing balls, as normal, so it wasn't long before we caught them up and said Good Morning to them as we walked past!

OTL says that it is a sign of friendship when a woofer comes bounding up to you and puts a saliva-soaked ball in his hand waiting to be thrown so they can chase it!

Soggy or wot! 

I got left behind when OTL and TM went out for a run mid-morning and when they came back only TM came in doors, OTL had gone off to B&Q to get summat to clean the windows. Needless to say, there were none in stock so he had to buy one on the Internetty!

Well, that's about it for today, let's hope the weather is better tomorrow morning and we get a good sunrise!



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy, sorry about not getting to comment yesterday, it's my mums fault, she got in a car with a strange man and went galavanting but she came home late last night and me and my boy had lots to tell her. My boy said I was a very good boy and I said my boy was a very good boy, do you know, he gave me all my tablets and all my scoff and he wasn't tight with his offerings either. I might get him to dish to scoff more often. Today has been cold so I decided to liven things up a bit, I decided to scratch my ear and make it turn red. My mum had to get Brenda come and keep an eye on me while she got a lift to bring the car home so she could take me to the vets to get them to check my wart on my ear, well as usual I got lots of fuss and the vet had a good look at my ear and pronounced that there was no infection to be seen and gave me treats and cuddles, my mum went off to pay and do you know, before we even got to the door, my ear started bleeding again, so back in for more fuss, more inspections, more treats and a pencil wot goes on yer ear to stop it bleeding. My boy is off over town when he finishes work to buy one wot we can keep in the house so my mum says she don't have to take me to the vets every time when it won't stop bleeding. Now I'm not sure I'm overly happy with that but we'll see wot else I can get up to so I get another trip for treats and cuddles. Glad you managed to catch up with the boys today and Pod yesterday. Hope them windows are going to sparkle. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
