Thursday 21 December 2023

TM gets a haircut!

Hello Woofers,

Daisy here.

Well, it's another one of those gloomy days. The sun was hidden behind the clouds and no matter how much we called, it refused to come out!

The lack of sun means OTL is free to try some 'artistic photography', a sort of experiment of the morning lights!

Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, today it doesn't!

Still, that doesn't stop him from trying and he even got the flash out to try some 'fill in flash'. Mind you, that doesn't seem to have worked either!

You know he even tried some experiment with me as well!

It certainly lit up the area around the poo bin!

Then he went back to the 'natural' colours of the morning and gave up and went home!

So, after all of that, we go back to the 'no fiddly diddly' for the last shot!

Today TM got her hair cut so now she looks a bit like OTL after six weeks of hair growth! 

OTL has offered to give her a run over using my clippers but for some reason she declined!

Actually, wot she said we can't repeat on the blog!

OTL has been playing with the electric guitar again trying to harden up his finger tips but at this point the pain is winning!

After the haircut OTL got the middle size ladder out and emptied the contents out of the bird box getting ready for next year’s breeding season!

After our lunchtime snooze OTL went back to the guitar, but his finger still hurt!

I'm off to see what there is to eat!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well I liked the photos today, specially the one of you by the poo bin. Now my mum said she heard that putting surgical spirits on your fingers helps harden them up but she said she tried it and it didn't work for her. Hope Mrs TM is pleased with her haircut. I had a nice siesta this afternoon on account it was damp, cold and windy here so a nice cosy snuggle up with my mum made me feel nice and warm. I sent my mum off to get the Xmas shopping today and she came back with all sorts of nice scoff, I had to put my nose right down one of the bags cos the sniffs were delicious. I'm off to get my scoff too then a nice evening of snuggling on the sofa with the furry throw. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
