Saturday 20 January 2024

Up and Down!

Hi Woofers,

Daisy back again.

Another cold night followed by a cold day!

The Missus decided that she wouldn't go up the village today to join her mates in a bit of glue splashing, instead she would stay at home to keep an eye on OTL and make sure he doesn’t get up to stuff he shouldn’t.

Like replace the garden fence that has blown down, again!

I’d stop him but to be honest it is just too cold to go bouncing around the garden.

So, we have left it until next week after the promised high winds that are due this weekend.

OTL is still feeling a little wobbly so that’s another good reason for him to leave the fence alone.

He reckons this Covid thing is a right sneaky bug, just when you think it’s getting better, it creeps up and POW, it lays you low again!

It’s a good job us woofers don’t get it, just imagine what sort of mess there would be, coughing and wheezing all over the place!

 Mind you, we wouldn’t be asked to put the fence panel back up!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy, well I'm sorry to hear OTL is still suffering, good on Mrs TM for keeping a beady eye on him cos we all know us chaps don't always know wot's best for us. That's on account of us chaps having hairy earholes, we don't always hear right unless someone mentions scoff. I'm not happy with my mum today cos she decided my tail needed brushing and a trim, now we all know I'm allergic to being brushed and trimmed, wot an evil woman she is. My boy has been out all day visiting an old friend, my mum has been up the shop to get some scoff and I've been in charge and on guard duty. Brenda and Millie came this afternoon, to be honest, I was rather looking forward to a siesta but you just have to entertain visitors. The humungous spider is still sitting outside waiting for a chance to dive in the backdoor when it opens, so it's a standoff between it and my mum. I'm off for a bit of scoff but my mum needn't think it's going to get her back in my good books just yet. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
