Tuesday 2 January 2024


 Hello Woofers.

Daisy back with you again.

OTL is still feeling grotty and sorry for himself. It's a Man Cold which is more serious than the normal cold and tends to knock you out for a good week or so, according to OTL!

To be honest I think he is trying to pull a fast one, especially when it is raining and it's time for my walk!

TM took me out first thing and we met up with The Lads, still no sign of Devo.

It was the lunchtime walk that we got soaked the rain came down and the wind got up.

Listening to the weatherman he was talking about 60mph wind speed passing over us and to be honest, doing a wee in the face of a 60mph wind tends to be a bit messy! 

Looking out the back I see that another fence panel has fallen out but that won't get put back until tomorrow, providing the wind has dropped!

I'm off to see if OTL is any better and may even give him a lick in his ear, I know he likes that when he is asleep!

See you tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. We've had lots of wind and rain today, at one time my mum wouldn't let me go into the garden until she had inspected it and then she came out with me incase the wind blew me away. We've got lots of bits of trees in our garden and my boy saw someone's gazebo cover flying away. The noise coming down the chimney was deafening. To be honest, while the weather is so bad I'm happy to cross my legs and wait until I really need to go out. How nice of you to go and visit OTL and give him medical licks, I hope he appreciates it. Hope he feels better soon and hope Mrs TM is getting better. Glad you met up with your mates, perhaps Devo isn't coming out while the weather is rough. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, licks and sniffs from little (windswept) Arch and the others. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
