Thursday 29 February 2024

And F1 Racing as well!

Hello Woofers!

Guess who?

Yep, it's me again.

I woke OTL up good and early so we could get a good view of the sunrise but OTL being OTL, we got out late!

We got a couple of shots but not the deep red sunrise we wanted!

Well, there was yellow and brown and a blast of bright light!

Walking along the top path we hung around long enough to get a sunrise but nothing changed, we were stuck with a lacklustre sunrise.

Well, nothing changed so we headed off looking for new sniffs. We also got a sniff of Devo and Zoro but the sniffs were old and they were home long before we arrived. I'll have to get OTL up earlier if I'm going to catch my mates!

Today we have been watching the F1 Racing, well, not the race but instead the practice and just for a change Hamilton came in first!

It does make a change!

The race starts on Saturday and we are looking forward to watching that seeing that TM is off up the hall with all her mates.

See you tomorrow.




  1. Yo Daisy. Well I reckon those pictures are pretty good, love the one with all the clouds. Shame you missed your mates again, you must set a very loud alarm to get OTL jumping out of bed. It's been raining all day and very, very chilly again here. I popped up the shops, the boy has been for one of his walks and is due another one when he finishes slaving over his hot help line. I've got to go to a meeting later to give a flea or 90 in the ears of our local councillors. I'm sharpening my tongue as I type. Take care, stay warm and safe all, enjoy watching the cars whizzing round. Love, little Arch's mum and the boy.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Hope TM enjoyed her day at the hall and OTL enjoyed his F1!
    Lovely sky shots xxx
