Sunday 28 April 2024

A New Woofer!

 Hello Woofers,

Daisy here with some breaking news!

No, it's not stopped raining or the clouds have all blown away, no lads we got a new woofer in the gang.

It's Chewie!

Now Chewie has had a bad start in life but now has his future mapped out and we reckon he is going to be spoilt rotten for the rest of his life!

Now, I have some problems with the computers in the office. 

Like, it 'aint working! 

The email and anything that uses the email transmitter has got all confused and is telling OTL to change settings.

After two days he finally gets onto the ISP only to find they are having trouble!

So, we can't show you any photos of Chewie (shame) and we can't show my walk this morning (Big Shame).

OTL has been trying to get the picture of Chewie out of an iPhone and into a Android phone and an Apple computer into a PC.

It don't work, well that's wot OTL says.

He has also been saying lots of other things but we won't go into that!

Pictures of Chewie to follow!




  1. Yo Daisy. Sometimes the puters are more trouble than they're worth. Well, Chewie is home, snoozing on the sofa, no more hiding under vans for him. The boy has ordered a tracker to fit on to his collar, he's got a microchip, a tag and also the Blue X gave us another tag with another company where he'll be registered, so, no escape for Chewie if he decides the digs aren't up to sniff. We've been on lots of walks today so he's a bit worn out with his sniffing and giving his nose a rest for a little while, I'm sure his little legs are a tad shorter than they were when we picked him up. So far he's not had any accidents in the house, always waiting for his next walkies, good job that the poobag holder came with refills. I think we'll all be having an early night, it's been a big day for us all. Hope you managed to meet some of your mates today or did they all stay home out of the rain? I think it's going to be a bit of time before Chewie learns how to use a pc, so I doubt he'll be too worried about how they act up at times. Paws cross the ISP bodies get sorted soon for you. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, little Arch's mum, the boy and of course Chewie. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. How lovely that Chewie has been given a new home. Hope it all works out for everyone xxx
