Thursday 11 April 2024

Little wriggles!

 Hello Woofers,

Daisy here.

OTL was late in getting up, mainly because I over slept and didn't wake him up until a whole half an hour after the normal time.

We were so late that we didn't even take the camera out of the car. Walking around the track we caught up The Lads who were jumping in and out of the sea!

It was the same at lunch time but I will admit it was my fault, I was fast asleep in my nice soft bed while OTL was checking up on the answers to the Income Tax Return which is due anytime now!

I'm glad to say that it didn't arrive today so there is always the chance it will arrive tomorrow.

One bit of excitement, TM came rushing into the lounge screaming that there were thousands of Taddly Poles swimming around in the pond. Like they would swim on the garden path!

OTL got the camera out and ran off a couple of shots.


 We have to catch the Taddly when it swims over a white stone.

 OTL ran off loads of photos but the auto focus kept trying to focus up on the water instead of the Taddly Pone wot was 10mm further down in the water!



It will be better when they turn into froggies!

F1 Tomorrow!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well I don't blame you for having a nice lay in. I would have liked a lay in myself but I had to get myself up and out to have an armful of blood taken. I was so tired, I've had a lazy day dozing to get my strength back. The boy went out for a few hours walking and met Brenda and Millie waiting at the bus stop over town while he was out. Tomorrow Brenda's boy is taking us out to lunch on account of it's Brenda's 80th birthday. Wot a lot of taddlypoles you've got, that will be a very crowded pond if they all turn into frogs. You'll have to herd them round the garden. Tell OTL good luck with the tax man. Take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, little Arch's mum and the boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
