Friday 26 April 2024

My prescription.

Hello Woofers,

Daisy here.

 OTL calls me his 'Little Old Lady' just 'cos I have to take some pills for my heart that has a 'murmur'.

For this I have to take some pills, morning and night. For this he gets a prescription from the vet and then goes to the wholesaler and gets them at a reduced price.

Today he orders up a prescription from the vet.

It’s a good job he checks everything ‘cos the first prescription has me down a Male Dog and instead of a prescription he was handed a bag full of medicine and charged a silly price!

In the end he got it all sorted!

It’s a good job we were not in a panic for the pills!

In between all of that we were up too early again trying to catch the sunrise but we missed it again!

No sun today!

Now, which is the real sun?

I reckon that we need to stay up all night if we are going to catch the sun!

No F1 racing this weekend so it looks like OTL is going to be banished to the garden this weekend!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Can't the vet email the prescription to OTL, that would save him going down there. Wot a cheek having you down as a male as well! Smashing pictures today. How you finding the restuffed seat on the sofa, I hope it's done to your satisfaction. I've had a busy day. Brenda fell over yesterday, we went down the urgent care place this morning and she's broken her shoulder so she's got to go around with a big blue sling on her arm for a while. Then I went off to do some woofer shopping, there's a hope that we might have a new little woofer so I decided we better get some toys, bed, blankets, bowls and all the paraphernalia wot a woofer needs. Keep your paws crossed Daisy because we go and see this little woofer in the morning to see if he thinks he might like to come and live with us. I think I'm going for an early night so take care, stay safe and warm all. Love, little Arch's mum and the boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
