Tuesday 2 April 2024

Where to stick the fairy!

Hello Woofers.

Daisy back again.

Once again the clouds have arrived and the wind has been blowing but it hasn't been too cold.

An early morningview of a sunrise!

This mucking about with the time has meant OTL getting up before me, having a wash and waking me up before I got my eyes open!

Getting down to the sea front a whole hour earlier than normal trying to catch the sunrise.

Some sunrise!

It was a slow walk 'cos we were expecting sun beams to burst out of the clouds but to be honest, we would be waiting all day for the sun to poke it's nose out!

OTL has been teaching me some new words, all to do with conversing with the banks Artificial

Intelligence system and voice recognition!

It's a long way from the old 'Press 101 to talk to an operator' nowadays it's 'say what your call is about....' then you get 'sorry, I didn't recognize your problem'

The blooming problem is you!

But the best bit is, the Gorilla arrived with a bucket of glue and OTL and TM got to arguing where to stick the fairy!

Once the glue has cured, we'll get a photo to show you!

Bye for now.



1 comment:

  1. Yo Daisy. Well it's been mostly cloudy today, the sun did come through every now and then but got covered up by the clouds, now it's raining. I saw you today on the arm of the chair, giving OTL a good licking. Shame you didn't get to see a nice sunrise. We'll have to get you a "do not disturb" sign so that OTL doesn't wake you up too early. I've just been trying to pay some dosh into a bank account, in the end I had to get the boy to do it for me. I don't like this internet banking lark. I can imagine the new words you heard today. Now then, about where to stick this fairy, well, I hope there were no rude suggestions from OTL or Mrs TM. The boy has been for a long walk, treated me to some grapes and a takeaway tea tonight. He's a good boy. Take care, stay warm and safe all. Love, little Arch's mum and the boy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
